Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ag Art Wear

Ag Art Wear Competition
'Fashions from the Field'

This competition was held at the Mt Gambier Show for the second year running.

The idea is to make and model a wearable garment from agricultural natured products.

This year inspiration came to me after finding a magnificent birds nest on the side of the road,
It's amazing what you can find on the side of a road...


A recent basket making workshop I attended - Thanks Philomena

Here is my creation


Complete with eggs!

I used my basket making skills to cobble together the skirt - actually it is just a basic coil technique and the same goes for the base of the birds nest hat.
Topped off with some peacock feathers.

I made the top and clutch from hessian webbing which I zigzaged together and the top has eyelets up the back to close it.

The hessian flowers I made using the twist and fold technique that I also learnt from Philomena.

My #1 son also entered as a "Field Mushroom"

Here he is


Tiff off to the Races


Penny the beautiful Flower

Show Time

Mount Gambier A&H Show
October 21st & 22nd

I entered lots of things in this years show.

Some of the notes may not make much sense but I will know what I mean, so next year when I go to enter I can see what I did last year.

Some of the things you may have seen before...

Any other Article in Crochet not Listed

Article in Leather
I have to give a bit of credit to Tiff here as she cut out the bird and branch, I made this for Annie for Christmas last year.

Article in Wood
I made this at Norval Craft Camp in April -
It is a Needle Case

Article made from commercial felt

This is a mobile phone case and the pattern was a freebie with the Mollie Makes mag.
I used some lovely wool felt which I purchased from Lucello.

Article of Jewellery in Beading

Article in Recycled Material - 1

Article in Recycled Material - 2

3 Greeting Cards using three distinct techniques
Which were 3D, Quilling & T-Bag Folding

1 Card Artistry

Christmas Decoration

I started this at Norval in April too.

Crazy Patchwork under 50cm

Crochet Edge on a Small Article
Tiff got 1st

Handmade Felt
Tiff got 1st

Hand Quilting under 30cm

Knitted Scarf
I bought this wool at the Daylesford Craft Experience the year before last so it is good to see it used.

Machine Embroidered Bag

Rear View


Needle Case


Needlework Gift under $7

Novelty Gift under $7

Patchwork Bag - 1

Patchwork Bag - 2
Lisa got 1st

Patchwork Cushion
Sharon got 1st

Patchwork Quilt under 2m - 1

Patchwork Quilt under 2m - 2

Patchwork Quilt under 2m - 3

Pin Cushion

Soft Toy

Table Runner

VAS Patchwork under 1m

All in all I had a very good show.

I also entered in the Ag Art Wear Competition and will post about that next time.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Op Shop Swap

I have signed up to do the Christmas Op Shop Swap with Jody of

This sounds like fun for me.

I have also impressed myself with my blogger skills and managed to 'grab a button' to put in my side bar containing a link to Jody's page.

This will be a swap through a flickr group.

There were a couple of conditions which I met - yay.
You have to have flickr history ( which I did not ) or a Blog. This is only so people of the group can see the sort of stuff you make.

If you are into the same sorts of things as me then this is for you.

Check it out.

Notebook Workshop

This was actually a Tuesday night workshop from a couple of weeks ago that I was going to blog about straight away - but stuff happened!

In truth, I also started taking photo's to make this more of a tutorial but that didn't quite get off the ground either -  it is started so maybe I will finish it off one day...


These are the notebooks that we made...

This one I made using one of my lino cuts prints.
Actually my youngest son specially asked me to make this for him.
Something to do with Pirates of the Caribbean...

This is one of mine too.
I like this one and it looks even better in the real.
I gave it to Kate.

This is Sharon's - which is lovely linen with a flower she already made attached.

Tiff's and Kate made the little bitty one from the scraps. Foxy.

Sylvia whipped this up in a matter of minutes - well done!

Wendy's first one...

Wendy's second one.

Kate's looking gorgeous, fab choice of fabric.

And Lisa's is very sweet. Love it.

Group shot - little ones to the front...
